Foreign nationals who choose to work in China naturally have many questions and concerns, but none are as critical, and common, as those about the work permit. Whether it’s your first time working in China or you are changing jobs from one company to another one after a couple years, it can be a headache if you are not familiar with the process. Adding on top of that, what if you are moving to another city for work where the work permit policy is different than the city you are currently living in? Perhaps some additional documents are required that you weren’t aware of or the process is time sensitive with your work permit expiration date quickly approaching.
In addition, during this time of Covid-19, some companies have unexpectedly dismissed some of their international employees before their contracts ends. Soon afterwards, the company either fails to inform the employee or does so last minute that their work and residence permits are going to be cancelled. It’s understandable that this can leave you feeling anxious, worried, and uncertain; especially now that you need to find a new job immediately and have your work permit sorted out quickly.
Does any of the above sound familiar?
If you are a foreign national in China who is looking for assistance with your residence and work permit, we are here to support you. We can provide jobs which can provide you with a new work permit. We are also able to provide professional guidance about the work permit policy and answer any questions you might have.
Feel free to reach out to us via the WeChat QR code below.